Right And Wrong
If no one has told me
About right and wrong
Or if no one has taught me
Right from wrong;
Then I learn now
It is wrong
To take property from another
Unless given to me
It is wrong
To borrow and not return
Or promise to do a deed
And not do it
It is wrong
To hurt or kill another person
Except to protect myself
Another or others
It is wrong to bully
Or hurt another’s feelings
If no one has told me
Right and wrong
Then I learn more;
It is wrong
To hurtfully trick
Or deceive someone
Who trusts in me;
It is wrong to hurt someone
Just because that person
Is different from me
Or different from most people
It is wrong to hurt animals
Or desecrate Earth’s sacred life
Just for fun
Or my own selfishness;
It is wrong to abuse myself
Or abuse another person
In any way
Especially a helpless child
Or a baby;
So if no one has told me
I now take the time
To learn
So I can know
And think the right
And moral way
Of living with Earth’s life
And my fellow humankind